FIRST Tech Challenge

Team 92

Junior Bomb Squad

The Game



2008 - 09 Face Off! Game Description

FIRST Face Off!, the 2008 FIRST Tech Challenge game, is played on a 12’x12’ field. Two alliances of two teams each compete. Matches consist of a thirty second autonomous period and a two minute driver controlled period.

The object of the game is to score more than your opponent alliance by placing street hockey pucks into a center scoring area. Teams also earn points for knocking pucks off puck racks in autonomous mode, and getting off the field at the end of play.

The Details:
There are seventy pucks available, thirty five for each team. Sixty four of the pucks are located in eight racks around the field. Three pucks are provided to each alliance at the start of the match.

Each alliance will start one robot on the field. The second robot starts on a platform and will “drop in” to the field to start play.

The center scoring area is made up of a 36” square, a 24” diameter cylinder, and a 12” equilateral triangle. The square is ¾” high, the cylinder is 12” high and the triangle is 20” high. Robots can score pucks in each of these areas. To be successful robots will navigate over a variety of surfaces to reach the scoring area.


Cleared Near Rack during Auto 5 points
Cleared Far Rack during Auto 10 points
Puck in outer square 1 point
Puck in middle cylinder 3 points
Puck in inner triangle 5 point

Robot off the field at end of match

10 points

 For any questions about the Junior Bomb Squad or suggestions, please email
This was last updated: 11/15/11.