FIRST Tech Challenge

Team 92

Junior Bomb Squad



What is FIRST


What is FIRST

FIRST is a science and math based program made for young teenagers to learn about science and technology.  FIRST was founded by Dean Kamen who is an entrepreneur and the inventor of the Segway.  FIRST was started in 1989 and is supported by about one-hundred thousand volunteers and sponsored by about thirty-five thousand sponsors.  FIRST is also a robotics competition for grades K-12 through Jr. FLL, FLL, FTC, and FRC. FIRST awards nearly $15 million in scholarships every year.  The intent of FIRST is to increase interest in engineering and to give students a way of participating outside of the normal athletics or normal school activities.  Not only does this allow kids to learn, but also the ability to make connections with a wide variety of engineers and businessmen for possible future careers. FIRST is very important to our modern and future society because it helps the next generation learn about Science, Mathematics, and Technology.

 For any questions about the Junior Bomb Squad or suggestions, please email
This was last updated: 1/9/2020.